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compatible device中文是什么意思

用"compatible device"造句"compatible device"怎么读"compatible device" in a sentence


  • 兼容器件
  • 兼容设备


  • Connect to pcs , headsets and other compatible devices wirelessly via bluetooth
  • However , when recording or playing back a record - only - once encrypted program , a cprm compatible device is required
  • However , when recording or playing back a record - only - once encrypted program , a cprm compatible device is required .
  • However , when recording or playing back a record - only - once encrypted program , cprm compatible device and software are required
  • However , when recording or playing back a record - only - once encrypted program , cprm compatible device and software are required .
  • Word supports most twain compatible devices ( twain is the standard that enables scanners and cameras to connect with word and other software programs )
    Word支持绝大多数与twain标准兼容的设备( twain是一种确保扫描仪和数字相机能够与word以及其他应用程序相连接的标准) 。
  • You ll learn how j2me applications handle urls and accept input , and even be taken through a sample program that downloads currency exchange information to any network - accessible , j2me - compatible device
  • This multifunctional product enables video music file editing , photo data readings edit , and more . furthermore , with the " nero digital codec , " hd resolution contents may also be stored on currently recordable dvd discs , where over 5 million approved devices using this format in europe are expected for shipment . likewise , compatible devices for shipment to the u . s . and japan in the 1st half of this year are expected
    这款新产品为多功能产品,可进行视频音乐文件的编辑以及照片数据的浏览编辑等,另外,该公司开发的“ nero digital codec ”可将hd分辨率的内容保存到当前的记录型dvd上,在欧洲已有500万台可接受本格式认证的设备预定出厂,预计日本和美国也会在今年上半年推出对应产品。
用"compatible device"造句  
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